When my husband was here he had decided to lock Leon's hair like his. Although Leon's hair is a different texture he was able to do it but now it's my duty to maintain it which takes time. Lucky me! I have to do it every other day now.
Leon actually wanted his hair like daddy's for a long time now. He always liked it long, that is why we never cut it. He used to wear it down when it was shorter as he always loved the comments he would get from people everywhere we went. I also liked his hair down as he had some amazing curls, even better than Leanna's. There were a lot of people that would think he was a girl though but that didn't bother him any because the people that could tell he was boy just adored him and especially his hair.
When it got longer and especially when we moved here to the Philippines where it's really hot he always wore it in a pony tail. A lot of the kids from school liked his pony tail and admired that he had different hair than the rest of them. We finally locked it up a couple of weeks ago. It's still in the beginning phase and it's going to take a while for it to permanently lock up but eventually it will. Right now it just looks like he has a bunch of just bigger curls. As you can see from the pictures it still looks nice. He still keeps it in a pony tail though. We'll see how it turns out in a couple of months:)
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