Me and my husband went to visit Baguio City Philippines a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't been there since I was a kid and my memories were very fond of the place. I remember it being cooler there as Baguio is located in the mountains. I also remember taking trips there with family and us packing the car and taking a long road trip. I'm not sure how long it took us before to get there but I would imagine that it had to be longer than the 6 hour bus trip that we had taken to get there a couple of weeks ago. Since then the roads have improved and even though there's not really a highway so speak that you take to get there the bus was going at a constant speed.
I was really surprised though at how those bus drivers are able to maneuver through the winding roads as we were literally going up these tall mountains and the roads were narrow and only with one lanes. We had made quite a few stops though on our journey because apparently there are a lot of people that go to Baguio, so as the bus driver saw someone waving him down then he stopped to pick them up. We stopped at two rest stops to stretch our legs and get snacks to eat. The majority of the time going there me and my husband listened to music on our iPod's. The time coming back was spent sleeping as we were tired and it was a very long day.
It was just a day trip for us as we did not plan on staying there for awhile. My husband just wanted to see the place and get a feel for it as he had heard a lot of nice things about it. He absolutely loved Baguio!! He enjoyed the weather first of all and he also liked the people there, they were very friendly and nice. I was not used to the cold weather though and although I was wearing my jacket I was still cold!! I had even started sniffling and sneezed here and there. It must have been around 70 degrees and if anyone knows me that is too cold for me!
We left around 8 in the morning and arrived in Baguio around 2 p.m. We walked around the park that was there as well as went to SM Baguio City which is the Super Mall over there. We had something to eat at the mall and took some pictures on the second floor overlooking the city. We only had a couple of hours there which was enough as like I said before this trip wasn't really planned. Besides we didn't have any other form of transportation besides us walking and with walking we could only go so far especially since I was cold. We didn't take too many pictures so it's really not worth posting a link to Kodak Gallery for them like I usually do with my other photos but I will post a few here.
My husband really liked it there and actually went back another time before he left with one of his friends as he had a music contact out there that he had to meet with. We talked about having a getaway place there to come to relax when we needed a cool place to stay. Next time when we visit we will definitely check out some places:)