Well we had a blast this past weekend at the Fashion Show Leanna was in. It was her first job and we are all so proud of her. She did a great job and she featured two pieces from Happy's 60 piece girls collection. Call time was at 12:30 p.m. and the show started at 5 p.m.
Viva, Happy's sister read an excerpt from a book she had written. After that there was a magician that did his act. He was both funny & talented. He even picked Leon to be his volunteer for the first act in which he made balls disappear. Then they had a children's choir that sang beautifully. They had a birthday cake for Happy as she was celebrating her birthday too!!
It was a long day but a fun filled day. The venue they had it at was nice too. It was at Shangri La Plaza Mall and if you know anything about Shangri La it is high end. They had a Gucci store, Tiffany & Co. & other high end stores. It was a really nice place, even Leon asked me "Mommy, how come they don't have fun stuff for kids to do here"? Enjoy the pictures!
Here's a video which I couldn't download here but was able to download it on Facebook. It's of Leanna walking down the runway in her Hippie inspired tube dress. Her first outfit she wore for the night.
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