The party yesterday was a success. A lot of happy kids that enjoyed a nice time with Leon & Leanna. Of course there was a lot of cleaning up to do afterwards but was expected as we had a lot of people in our place. It lasted until 9 p.m. at night as we had Ake's family come later on and fed them dinner. We had a lot of pancit left so we sent them home with some too. We also sang karaoke so we had some fun times. Enjoy the pics and make sure you read the captions!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Pictures from the kids party
The party yesterday was a success. A lot of happy kids that enjoyed a nice time with Leon & Leanna. Of course there was a lot of cleaning up to do afterwards but was expected as we had a lot of people in our place. It lasted until 9 p.m. at night as we had Ake's family come later on and fed them dinner. We had a lot of pancit left so we sent them home with some too. We also sang karaoke so we had some fun times. Enjoy the pics and make sure you read the captions!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Getting ready for the kids party
I spent the day today preparing for the kids party tomorrow , Sunday November 30 from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. We are inviting a total of 12 children, 6 boys and 6 girls from the neighborhood. I forgot that here in the Philippines when you invite the children of course you have to invite the parents too:) I made giveaways for all the children and also made an agenda of things that we are going to do. Leanna will have a spa party which will include a facial, manicure & pedicure and to top that off makeup and hair done. Leon will be playing different games with his friends like badminton, jump rope and jacks. In addition we will be singing karaoke and watching a movie. The kids are going to have so much fun I can't wait!
For the food Leanna and her friends will be having sandwiches with chips & biscuits and Leon will be having hotdogs with chips and biscuits and for dessert yummy fruit salad. The adults will be having pancit, asado, cornbeef and rice. I won't be eating any of it but I'm sure it will be yummy!!
Look for pictures soon of the rocking party we're having tomorrow!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Comment Section
I fixed my comment section on my blog so family and friends please feel free to leave your comments. Thanks!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Leana's first job
The invitation

Leanna in the Christmas inspired dress
This past Saturday I took Leanna back to Manila to get her DOLE (Department of Labor and Employment) permit for the fashion show she is going to be in next Saturday December 5th. My baby has her first job!! When we were there she tried on the outfits she is going to wear and of course I took some pictures:) I only took a picture of one outfit but she has another one she is wearing too. Happy has a nice studio with a lot of fashionable clothes that are very trendy and colorful. On top of that don't you just love her name too? Her sisters name is Viva, that's a cool name too! Her line for the girls are very cute as well. One of the pics I took of Leanna was a Christmas inspired dress which looked so cute on her. Happy suggested wearing one of those underskirts during the fashion show to make it look more fluffier. I can't wait for the fashion show, it's going to be so exciting!!Friday, November 20, 2009
I'm sad:(
I just found out that Mimi will not be coming in January to visit as planned nor Levar will be coming in December as planned. The tickets are just too expensive in December as it is the holidays and every one and their mommas are traveling around that time!! The quotes on the tickets were $2,000 plus which is just ridiculous. Levar figures just waiting a couple of weeks, if he leaves in the beginning of January, the tickets will only be around $1,100. Mimi was supposed to go with him but she now has decided to just come in March. She wants to spend time with the kids so they will be out of school then.
It seems like a long time but I guess the time has gone by fast thus far, what's a month and a half more? We'll see, I guess I just need to make some friends here but even that is hard as I don't go out that often. When I do go out it's only to SM Hypermarket to get groceries and if the kids need anything for school I get that too. But I do keep myself busy at home, sometimes I think where does the time go?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My Kettlebell
8 kg. Kettlebell
Side view of my stomach after 3 weeks of working out
A lot of people have been asking me how and what I use to work out. Since there's not a nice gym close by I can't attend a gym so I've opted for the kettlebell. I did some research over the internet and the kettlebell is a total body workout. It's known as the handheld gym because you get all of the benefits of going to the gym except you don't have to. You get cardio and weight benefits which are the two essentials for loosing weight. I chose a 8 kg. ball which is just right for me. I do about 15-20 minutes of exercises with it along with some bodyweight exercises after that. Then I do 5-10 minutes of ab exercises to complete my workout and voila, I'm done. I do this 3-4 times and week. Add to that me eating healthy and I have a winning combination. With the kettlebell there are tons of different variations you can do. For more exercises I just looked it up on YouTube and it showed me how to do them too!!! Hope this helps everyone wanting to workout but can't either due to the fact that they can't join a gym or the fact that they don't have the time to work out. If you take 30 minutes to an hour of your day to work on YOU then you will feel and look different!!!Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Cutie Steven Nash

Monday, November 16, 2009
The death of Chicken Little
I'm sad to report that our beloved pink chicken little passed away this morning:( I was awoken by Leanna at 5:15 a.m. with her coming into my rooming and crying hysterically. She was really saddened as she really loved that chick. I had a conversation with her that all living things have to die and that it was the chick's time to go. It was followed by "but it's just a baby, it didn't grow up yet"!! I consoled her and let her know that when she comes home from school today we will bury it and have a little ceremony for it. She will write a few words and read it aloud during the ceremony. She couldn't stop crying the whole morning before going to school (poor baby)!! I also let her know that she probably took care of it too much. She fed it a lot, picked it up and cuddled it a lot, and even gave it a bath and sprayed perfume on it! Here are the pictures. R.I.P. Bubblegum!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My 28th birthday!!!
Yeah, it was my birthday today and it was enjoyed with the ones I love, at least those that live in the Philippines:) My dear husband and my sister was not with me today but they did call me and wished me a Happy Birthday!! Mimi was the first one to call me right at 12 midnight like she always does every year!! She always wants to be the first one to greet me. Followed by husband and his rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song. I also got calls from the Tiongco family, thanks Atching Joy, Mammang, Pappang, Kuya Norman, Naleen & Noreen, I love you guys!!! Then I also spoke with Atching Aurea, I miss you too!!!
We invited the Santos family (Mammang Lou, Uncle Rudy and Kuya Dong) for dinner in which we had pancit, macaroni salad, pork chops and rice. Thanks mom for cooking!! It was really yummy!! For desert I made fruit salad to accompany my cake from Goldilocks (Black Forest). I had a tiny piece but it was yummy. I gave the neighbors some, Reyza & Shay (the maid's at Mammang's place) then we gave the rest to a family of 6 down the street.
I then opened my presents from the kids and Mammang. Mammang got me two cute dresses (that you wear with tights). Thanks Mammang, they are cute!! Gerlie also made me a nice card. I'd also like to thank Mimi. She deposited some money in my account so that I can enjoy a day at the spa, which I will be taking advantage of on Tuesday. I plan to get a hot stone massage, green tea facial, manicure, pedicure, and wax on my eyebrows, upper lip, and under arms. Sorry, did I describe too much? Anyway, overall I had a great day and am just so glad I was in the presence of the ones I love. Here's to another great year of health and happiness:)
Friday, November 13, 2009
Leanna got accepted to be in a fashion show

I'm very excited to say that Leanna got accepted to be in a kids fashion show on December 5th from famed fashion designer Happy Andrada!!! She attended the go-see this past Saturday in Manila and she had to walk down a runway and then show them 5 different poses. Although Leanna was still sleepy from the ride she managed to show them what she got. I actually had her go up there again because the 1st time she was just not that into it but the second time she did better. I got the text yesterday that she got accepted so we are all very excited. Leanna has a great personality and she loves to entertain so this is perfect for her!! I will definitely post the pictures from the show in December.
Fontana Waterpark
WOW!! I just realized that I hadn't posted anything since the end of October. That just tells you how much I'm into blogging:) Anyway, these pictures were taken when we went to the water park called Fontana on Monday November 2, 2009. It's located in Clark which was the old Clark Air Force Base about 15 minutes from here. It's a nice park, not that many choices though for rides. They just had a big wave pool, a huge slide and a lazy river that went around the whole park. For the kiddies they had a pirate themed play area and another little area. Still in all we had lots of fun and seeing the smiles on the kids faces is the best part. Enjoy the pics!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Costume Party
The kids were off of school on Friday but they did have a costume party where we were able to enjoy some fun, food and games. Leanna was a purple fairy princess and Leon was a ninja. At the party they had a cotton candy stand and even a magician. Of course there was a lot of food!! Also, there was a guy selling colored baby chickens and Leanna decided she wanted to get the pink one. I'm not sure how long it's going to last but it's chirp is so loud that it hurts my ears. It stays outside in the back though and it likes to eat rice. She's so excited about her new pet, we'll see how long that lasts:)
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