Isn't she pretty?

It was girls night out
It's only been two months and I miss her already. Even though we talk everyday, it's still not the same. We have never been separated more than two weeks at a time, that was when I took a trip to the Philippines last August. Little did I know that we were going to move here a year later! She truly has been the best sister. Even though we had a lot of fights growing up, thinking back now I don't even remember what they were about but obviously it was about petty stuff. This is what I remember about my sister when we were growing up:- always being in trouble, she was blamed for everything even though I may have done it
- she had the worst set of teeth ever!!
- Mom used to always dress us the same so a lot of people thought we were twins (remember those blue jean jumpers with the alphabets on them?)
- spilling a whole bag of sugar in the kitchen and paying for it later
- putting a toothbrush down the drain (it wasn't mine though)
- her dancing to "Like a Virgin" by Madonna
- hiding bathing suits in our books (I don't know how we did that) and told mom and dad we were going to study but we went swimming instead
- being real mad at each other, we sat across from each other throwing pennies at each other from a jar
- her being scared of herself when she looked in the mirror
- being there when I got my period, she was so excited for me while I on the other hand was not enthused
- staying up late and just having girl talks, we talked about anything and everything
- always available and willing to watch the kids (if she wasn't busy with something else)
- loving the kids like her own (she seriously thinks Leon is hers though)!!
- following each other from bank to bank (you know what I mean Mimi)
- taking care of me when I'm sick, bringing medicine and cooking lelot